Here are some great tips from the State of Kentucky to share with your teen driver:
- Your car is a deadly weapon. Respect this fact.
- Do not drink and drive. Never get in a car with someone who has been drinking. The same rules apply to drugs.
- Always wear your seat belt and be sure your passengers buckle up, too.
- Obey the speed limit.
- Keep the radio turned down so you can hear any emergency sirens and react appropriately.
- Don’t do other things while driving. This is not the time to use a cell phone, put on make-up, eat, change the radio station, etc. If it is necessary to do any of these things, find a safe place (such as a parking lot) to pull off the road and stay parked until you are finished.
- Make sure your car is well-maintained. Keep the windshield clean and the tires properly inflated.
- In every driving situation, have a way out. Always be aware of what is going on around you.
- In bad weather, adjust your speed and driving habits accordingly. You will not be able to stop as quickly on wet or snowy pavement and will need extra distance between your car and the ones in front of you. Use headlights as appropriate.
Source: Kentucky Public Protection Cabinet/ Department of Insurance